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The Wisdom of Jacobs Ladder

With all great leaders who find connection through life events and signs from the Universe, Jacob Cooper demonstrates lessons learned when he encountered a near-death experience (NDE) as a child climbing a playground ladder. The result is a transformational guide that provides tenants and wisdom of each rung of the ladder, just like Jacob from the Bible, as he fled from his brother Esau. Upon applying these tenets, one can be reminded that they do not have to wait to get to Heaven to see the light that is within themselves; the inner light is omnipresent. Follow Jacob’s journey as he teaches lessons from his NDE, shares his wisdom from the hereafter, and rediscovers his own inner light, soul purpose, and how to be of service to others.

Advance praise for "The Wisdom of Jacob's Ladder"

“Jacob Cooper is a dynamic thought leader. His hard earned wisdom and connection to spirit shines through this book. The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder is an engaging read that includes deep and practical wisdom from higher awareness.”

Kimberly Meredith 

Medical Intuitive Best Selling Author "Awakening To The Fifth Dimension" Discovering The Soul's Path To Healing

“Who better to guide you to an understanding of your true Home than a sensitive, loving soul who remembers the lessons learned in his own visit across the veil? Jacob has packed this treasure of a book with spiritual truths and practical tools delivered with his signature compassion and hard-earned wisdom. Read it and remember!”

-Suzanne Giesemann, author of Messages of Hope and founder of The Awakened Way™.  

“Jacob Cooper’s life was profoundly changed forever by a NDE when he was just a boy. Since, then, he’s been on a soul journey looking for ways to help others to heal and grow. Jacob’s genuine and insightful, if you’re looking for your own answers in life, his new work The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder will act as an excellent tour guide on your own personal journey.”

— Allison DuBois, inspiration for the hit NBC television show MEDIUM, host of the podcast The Dead Life and New York Times Best-Selling Author

“When I read Jacob Cooper’s chapter titled “The Light at the End of the Ladder,” it became clear to me that the author had not only glimpsed the anticipated light at the end of the tunnel, he had experienced It’s infinite radiance and was actively choosing to live in It’s service.  If you are ready to climb Jacob’s ladder of increased understanding and expand your awareness accordingly, you will treasure the gift of this enlightening book.”

- Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Surgery at the University of Arizona and author of The Afterlife Experiments,  The G.O.D. Experiments, and The Energy Healing Experiments.

Jacob Cooper has written a genuinely uplifting, healing work that reassures us that we don’t die. After having an NDE when he was three years old, Jacob realized that our time on earth is all about love. Jacob’s book, filled with practical advice for living a more fulfilled life, is especially significant to anyone who has experienced the passing of a loved one. Knowing, as Jacob does, that they are happy, healthy, and whole allows us to move forward and heal. Thank you, Jacob, for this beautiful work.

~Elizabeth Boisson, President and Co-Founder of Helping Parents Heal

“Jacob Cooper deeply inspires in a voice that is genuine and calming. He gently guides the seeker to shift from thoughts that have self- destructive power as well as potential to harm others. He makes becoming more conscious feel not only easy, but natural and comforting. His empathic, intelligent book opens both the heart and mind in a harmonious work that adds more love and understanding to a world in great need of it.”

Elaine Clayton, author of The Way of the Empath and Making Marks: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing

“Jacob Cooper, LCSW is a dynamic up and coming star that I have been privileged to interview on my program. This book reflects hard earned wisdom through Jacob’s profound Near- Death Experience and subsequent encounters.  A truly enlightening and meaningful read.”

George Noory, Host of the national Radio Show Coast To Coast AM  

The aftergifts of Near-Death Experiences often produce wisdom. Jacob Cooper has spent his interior, intellectual, and professional life pursuing the noetic knowledge gifted to him in his NDE. His Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder abounds with insightful handholds and footings for those on the ascent.

–Peter Panagore, MDiv., author of the Audible International Best Seller, Heaven Is Beautiful.

“Jacob’s life and service to others is a great example of how Near- Death Experiencer’s can provide much hope and power to others.    I highly recommend The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder to help lighten and enlighten your earthly experience.  You don’t have to nearly die to remember the big picture of life and live accordingly.  This book will show you how.”

- Mark Pitstick MA, DC    

Jacob Cooper’s book, “The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder” provides a guide to finding different ways to view and live life. Cooper mixes his deep spirituality as well as his knowledge of human psychology as he looks at people as sacred beings who are engaging, experiencing and responding to every day life. He asserts that we are not “doing” but “being.” In line with this  thought, he astutely defines the word “wisdom” as a higher awareness in our everyday lives; wisdom is not seen as something that we learn outside of ourselves but rather it is apart of our natural instinct to who we are and how we see life. He espouses the idea that we do not have to wait until our physical bodies die (because he assets that our souls live on) to feel joy and a connection to God, but rather we can feel it while we are alive. Cooper says that we do not have to wait until we die to feel full of life, but rather to feel it while we walk this earth. He contends that “being truly alive is awakening from the dream of being separate from the light on the other side and connecting to it in all that we do.”

“The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder,” is a wonderful book that teaches people how to see the sacred inside themselves and truly live their lives though open eyes.

Anna L. Raimondi

“Conversations with Mary,” (Simon & Schuster, 2017)