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Jacob Cooper - The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder

I Died And Explored Who We Were In A Past Life & Future Places: A Boy's Near Death Experience [NDE]

Life After Breath featuring Jacob Cooper

Helping Parents Heal welcomed Near Death Experiencer Jacob Cooper

Near-Death Experience

Life After Breath with Jacob Cooper & Sister Jenna

The Intentional Spirit … Seeing and Being

Jacob Cooper, the author of Life After Breath, shares the wisdom of the Universe as taught to him by his guides and angels. Jacob is a clinical social worker, certified Reiki master, and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in past-life regression therapy. Inspired by his near-death experience and transformative encounters, he facilitates spiritual awareness and empowerment through life-changing seminars.

The Donna Drake Show with Author, Jacob Cooper

Anna Raimondi: “Talking to The Dead in Suburbia”


Jacob Cooper: Life After Breath

NDE Jacob Cooper Cognitive Reframing, Wayne Dyer, Shirley MacLaine

The Past Lives Podcast Ep156 – Jacob Cooper

Unexplainable Truths | Life After Death?

Jacob Cooper Shares His Journey to the “Other Side” After Having a Near-Death Experience as a Child

Lessons from a Near Death Experience | The Christine Upchurch Show | Jacob Cooper

Those who have a near-death experience often gain deep insight and inspiration from “the other side.” But it can be difficult to integrate that spiritual awakening into daily life. In this conversation with Christine, author and clinical social worker Jacob Cooper talks about how his near-death experience opened him up to a greater reality, but how it took him years to embrace the gifts from that experience. He offers some of the lessons he learned along the way to help each of us in the here and now.

Jacob Suffocates Has Near Death Experience and Sees Angelic Beings and Spiritual Guides

This podcast guest is Jacob Cooper who had a near death experience at the age of 3. He is a Clinical Social Worker, Certified Reiki Master, and Certified Hypnotherapist who specializes in Past Life Regression Therapy, works privately with clients through online services. Inspired by his NDE and transformative encounters, he facilitates spiritual awareness and empowerment through life-changing seminars. Currently, he resides and practices in Long Island, NY. He is the author of “Life After Breath” published by Waterside Productions.

Interview on Near-Death Experience with Jacob Cooper

Here is a fascinating & reflective Interview with Jacob Cooper on his Near Death Experience & new book “Life after Breath” about it. Here we discuss:- Near Death Experiences Purpose behind Pain How to build a strong, inner Foundation Blessings coming from Adversity Psychotherapy & famous Greek Philosophers The Power of Breath Being the sacred Eternal Soul & Observer of Life & much more…

NDE Silvia Isachsen Interviews Jake Cooper Near Death Experience

Episode 147 Jacob Cooper, Mental Health Counselor, his NDE & more on We Don’t Die Radio Show

Silence Speaks TV (S1 E1) featuring Jacob L. Cooper 

The Cosmic Oracle Show – Jacob Cooper – NDE As a Child

Feeling An Unknown Energy And Searching For Your Life Purpose With Jacob Cooper – Episode 76


Cosmic Tuesdays w/ Anthony Picco

The Maria Morales Show 12.14.2018

The Maria Morales Show 12.14.2018 with Maria Morales. In this episode, Maria talks to guest social worker Jacob Cooper. Enjoy!

A1R Psychic Radio Show w/ Colleen Vanderzyden

Death Changes Everything, NDE Radio with Lee Witting

Life After Breath; Jacob Cooper’s NDE: Wonders and Miracles Podcast Liza Lawrence

Talking about Life After Breath with Jacob Cooper: Off the Cuff with SDJ

Let’s Talk Near Death – The NDE of Jacob Cooper

Fea Rupert Spira,. Dr. Bernie Siegel, Michael Cremo, Rabbi Manis Friedman & more

Jacob Cooper: A Near-Death Experience brought Jake fascinating insights into life on the Other Side

My Interview

Feeling down? It could be Seasonal Affective Disorder